The authors of accepted papers must prepare their paper according to the PGM proceedings format, and submit the full version of their paper as a single PDF file by the deadline of Friday, August 24, 2012, 23:59 GMT.
Consider the following points:
- Prepare the final version of your paper taking into account the comments from the reviews.
- The limit for the papers is 8 pages without exception.
- The proceedings will be printed in black and white. Therefore you should avoid the inclusion of color graphics or use a color scheme that can be interpreted when reproduced in grey scale.
- When generating the pdf file you must ensure that all fonts are embedded. If this is not the case, the file may be unreadable. Please, read the information included in this link to make sure that the fonts are properly embedded. You can also use Acrobat Reader to check this: choose File, Properties, Fonts tab. There you can see all the information about the fonts and whether they are embedded or not.
- Please make sure that the pages are not numbered (we will add the page numbers later when we merge all the files together)! This is the default configuration in the pgm style file.
- Login to EasyChair and check your name and affiliation. These information will be included in the conference proceedings.
- Specify the keywords as you wish them to appear in the proceedings.
- Upload the camera-ready version (pdf file) in EasyChair system using the submenu Submit a new version in the tab corresponding to your paper.
- The deadline for the reception is August 24th, 2012. There is no extension for this.
The template files for preparing the submissions can be downloaded here:
- pgm-author-instructions.pdf: Author instructions as a PDF file.
- pgm-author-instructions.tex: The source file for the author instructions, can be used as an example/template file for the submissions.
- pgm.sty: A Latex style file for formatting the submissions.
- sample.bib: An example of a bibtex file (in case you use bibtex).
- acl.bst: The required bibtex style file (in case you use bibtex).