Outline of the programme (preliminary version)
- Wednesday, Sep. 19
- 08.00 - 08.40: Registration (ETS. Ing. Informática y de Telec.)
- 08.40 - 09.00: Opening
- 09.00 - 10.20: Plenary session 1
- 10.20 - 10.50: Coffee break
- 10.50 - 11.50: Invited talk
- 11.50 - 12.00: Short break
- 12.00 - 13.20: Plenary session 2
- 13.20 - 14.50: Lunch
- 14.50 - 15.50: Plenary session 3
- 15.60 - 16.00: Coffee break
- 16.00 - 16.40: Plenary session 4
- 16.40 - 17.50: Coffee break and poster session 1
- 20.00: Cocktail at Carmen de los Mártires (near Alhambra)
- 22.00: Night visit to Alhambra
- Thursday, Sep. 20
- 08.00 - 09.00: Registration
- 09.00 - 10.20: Plenary session 5
- 10.20 - 10.50: Coffee break
- 10.50 - 11.50: Invited talk
- 11.50 - 12.00: Short break
- 12.00 - 13.20: Plenary session 6
- 13.20 - 14.50: Lunch
- 14-50 - 16.10: Plenary session 7
- 16.10 - 16.40: Coffee break
- 16.40 - 18.00: Plenary session 8
- 18.00 - 19.20: Poster session 2
- 21.30: Banquet dinner (Santa Paula Hotel)
- Friday, Sep. 21
- 08.00 - 09.00: Registration
- 09.00 - 10.20: Plenary session 9
- 10.20 - 10.50: Coffee break
- 10.50 - 11.50: Plenary session 10
- 11.50 - 12.00: Short break
- 12.00 - 13.20: Plenary session 11
- 13.20 - 14.50: Lunch
- 14.50 - 15.50: Plenary session 12
- 15.50 - 16.00: Short break
- 16.00 - 17.00: Plenary session 13
- 17.00 - 18.30: Coffee break and poster session 3
- 18.30 - 19.30: Bussiness meeting and closure
The workshop is hosted by the Department of Computer
Science and Artificial Intelligence, Granada University, Spain.